Cloud computing offers a wide variety of benefits to businesses of all sizes. Applications that are hosted in the cloud make it easier for employees to collaborate in real-time, decrease the cost of on-premise hardware, scale around need and business goals, and can be optimized for greater IT ROI.

Cloud computing technologies facilitate responsiveness, scalability, innovation, and agility enabling enterprises and software product vendors to optimize cost and drive transformation. K-Makin works closely with our customers to understand their business processes and objectives and help them make the right technology investment choices with our cloud-based IT solutions.

As a Cloud Services provider, K-Makin’s structured approach helps customers identify and assess the components and applications that are appropriate for cloud environment. We engage with the customer to understand and analyze the existing infrastructure and provide comprehensive view on architectural roadmap, cost-effective options, cloud strategy, integration challenges and cloud security. A cloud-based IT solution helps customers streamline their business processes, reduce data risk, increase global footprint and improve operational efficiencies. We have profound expertise and experience in various cloud platforms including Windows Azure and Amazon Web Service (AWS).


K-Makin’s Cloud services include -

  • Cloud Viability and platform analysis
  • Architecture analysis
  • Cloud Technology Design and Development
  • Production Maintenance which includes Security, DR & data protection.

Gone are the days when companies would depend on in-house servers for storing their growing collection of data and online files. Physical storage devices are now replaced with cloud storage. Cloud storage not only save cost considerably, but also provides agility and faster employment of resources. Cloud storage is not only very cost effective but is also highly secured.

Since the data is distributed across redundant servers, the data saved through cloud is secured against any sort of hardware failure. In short it offers higher agility & security at lower cost.
The cloud has rapidly evolved from a buzzword to a dominant model for storing and accessing data and applications over the internet - securely, effectively, and conveniently. Today, the question isn't one of cloud awareness or user intent, but which approach is best for your business goals.

If you are still contemplating migrating to your business to cloud computing, give us a call to how we can help you.